How to configure a Monitoring Profile for an agent in cloudmon?
By default, the monitoring profile default is configured for every entity. The default profile includes all the metrics for monitoring and can be modified if required. Follow the steps to change the profile from default to the user-defined profile are below.
Before modifying the default profile, create a new monitoring profile. Navigate to Settings > Configurations > Monitoring profile and click on the Agents tab.
Click on
the new icon to add a new monitoring profile for the device. Configure the required details, then click on the Save button to save the profile.
To change the monitoring profile, navigate Settings > Monitoring > Hosts/agents after disabling performance monitoring for the device.
Under Actions, click on
the Edit icon, select the newly created monitoring profile you wish to activate, and click on the Save button to save the configuration. Here profile is changed from default to CPU load, with only the CPU.load metric.
After changing the monitoring profile, enable performance monitoring for the device.
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